Monday, January 31, 2011

January 2011

January was in all fairness really good to us this year. The weather was not horrible. The snows we got were quite small and pretty easy to sweep away. December by far was the coldest so far. The last weather that really gave a problem was more freezing rain and sleet. It takes a long time for that stuff to leave here on this mountain in the shady spots. Of course every where you need to go is going to be a shady spot but such is the life. I just keep reminding myself how great the solitude and the relatively easy navigation here is the other 99.9% of the time.

Not much really went on here at the homestead. Pretty much the same. Cutting wood, repairing what the goats, hogs and wind tear up. Just basic maintenance.

I did have to call a vet for the first time in my life on one of my goats. "Bunny" got very ill. Cant swear what really happened but we treated for enterotoxiemia. All signs pointed to that. What started out to me what appeared to be bloat turned serious real fast. I drenched her with vegetable oil and baking soda like for normal bloat but I had no luck. She got to the point that she was grunting with every short rapid breath and I couldnt take her being in pain any more so I got a vet to make a farm call. We gave Banamine injection and activated charcoal to try rid her system of what ever was poisoning her system. I had her in a pet porter for exactly a week before she got well enough to let back out. It really just about killed her. It about killed me too. I worry to death about things like that.

More good news though for a change. All my goats were bred in January so I wont have to worry about freezing kids this time around. I also believe that "Wilma" the hog is bred also. Another relief as pigs are a whole new ball game to deal with in the cold. I am still holding onto my chickens. I have YET to get one single egg but I blame that on me and molting. I am going to change up their diet and hold out for spring. If nothing by then I will have some very good chicken for the freezer.

I hope January finds you well. Keep looking forward to the signs of Spring!! Wont be near as long as it has been. :) ~Terry

1 comment:

  1. Hi Terry, nice to "meet" you :-)

    I'm so glad you were able to save your goat. We have been VERY lucky so far but I'm not sure what we would be ableto do if things didn't work out as natural as possible. We are right at the edge of barely making it so it would be difficult at best to call a vet. I'd have to rely on myself entirely, which is scary. I'm going into my 3rd year with my goats and wow oh boy has it been a learning experience. The least of which is my husband letting our buck down to browse with the girls becuase he felt sorry for him. Sheesh!! So instead of babies in mid March when the weather is much better here in WA I have them now in mid Feb. With snow on the ground and cold at night. Espcecially for western WA. We are maritime so do not get too cold by and large but it doesn't mean it doesn't ever happen. We have another week of some snow sneaking through here and there. It would seem thus far all the babies are doing well in the barn but it's pretty crowded in there.

    Oh man the plans that went out the window with this. Ugh. LOL

    Anyhoo...enough of my blither on myself and my critters. I'm so glad you were able to pull your girl out of the bad zone. :-) I look forward to seeing your new babies when they come!

    Warm regards, Christine
