I am very glad to see February gone. It has been a rough winter so far but I still look at it as a learning experience. We have had 42 inches of snow this winter. It was only beaten by a snowstorm in 1960 which was 60+ inches.
"In like a lamb, out like a lion" or vice versa. That is the old saying that supposedly tells the outcome of March weather. We will see. March came in like a lamb. It was 40 deg. and sunny. The wind was stil blowing and that made it chilly at times but wasn't a big deal. This morning after taking the goats out for the day it began some flurries. No big deal again according to the weatherman. The system is supposed to stay farther south this time and we are to get a dusting. Problem is.... its still dusting. The temperature has dropped since this morning and is right at freezing. The roads are still kinda warm so it is melting fast there but still may get slick tonight. Of course I got to see the two patches of bare ground again yesterday but now they are once again white. Lovely just lovely. hehe
I was able to finish getting the medicines for the goats yesterday. I also got alot more of the stuff for fencing too. I am hoping to get started on that before too long. I went on and got all the emergency type meds that a goat can need. The truth is as tough as some folks think a goat is when they get sick they go down fast. I do mean in no time at some times. If you don't have on hand what is needed you are not going to have a fighting chance with the sick one sometimes. I am really enjoying the two I have and can't wait to add more but I am going to wait for the weather to at least get somewhat steady.
Oh well. I guess that is all I have to say for now. February was so bad there was nothing to write about except snow, wind, snow and more wind. I get sick of hearing my ownself in my head complaining. I am very ready to see some green grass and I am wondering if any of the flower bulbs have pushed up under the snow? We still and this is no exaggeration, have a foot of snow still in several places around. Me and Joey walked up on top of the mountain to check for his next trail camera spot and I couldn't believe some of the drifts still there. It was packed hard too. I really hope we will be able to do more this month. Then maybe I will have something good to say for a change. I hope you all stay well. God Bless. :)