All I can say at this point is "Wow, what a ride it has been this month". Snow and more snow that has no chance of leaving while waiting on yet another storm. We just got over a really bad wind event and I tell you I am not afraid to admit that it was quite spooky the other night.
When you live where we do and the wind reaches 60 mph on a mountain ridge in a old house that needs lots of love you get to thinking about the things you NEED to do when the spring rolls back around. I can say one thing about the snow pack we have; it most likely saved my roof from the wind storms by holding it down. I had went through the day getting things as prepared as possible. I covered the windows with sheets and blankets to help with the insulating factor. It was due to have -10 wind chills and I just didn't want to chance a mishap with a limb etc coming through the window.
The older I get the more paranoid I get. It used to be things like weather didn't bother me but it demands respect. Just before this storm came along I had had a problem with my blood pressure and a medicine that I was put on did not agree with me at all. I was in real bad shape and IF something had happened I would have been useless. The only thing I knew to do was get the animals fed and bedded as well as I could and IF the SHTF I was going to just get the family out and try to find a motel until either I recovered or the weather calmed to a dull roar. Anyway, I did what I could do and boy did I have several very close heart to heart talks with God. All through the day and night of the worst part of the wind I was listening for any cracks or crashes that needed close attention. It wasn't a pleasant affair by no means. By yesterday morning my nerves had more than a workout. Thanks to God, it all turned out ok. I spent some time yesterday morning giving thanks where thanks were due. I finally felt well enough to go and cut some more firewood. Mind you I wasn't tearing out the bone on that job but I took my time and got quite a bit more cut up. I also spent some time working on the goat pen that the new billy has investigated fully and found every weak spot that there is. All in all this month is turning into a list making month on things I HAVE to do this upcoming spring and summer. Just saying those two words help quite a lot.