Slowly the snow and ice are still melting. Hard to believe just how long this stuff has hung around even in temperatures above 40 degrees. Now the problem is the mud which is almost as impassable as the snow is on this mountain. I need either a track loader or even better Bigfoot would be much more fun with ten foot tires.
I am really glad the days are getting longer even if it is a minute a day. A minute is a minute. I am looking forward to this spring and summer as to get some vegetables going and hope to put some more goats on the place. I know we have some unsettled time ahead of us but it has been years since we have had a winter like this. I guess you could say we were due one. The truth is, it was a harsh reminder of where I have been slacking and a true eye opener. If anything I certainly gained in that respect.
I hope things are going well for everyone out there and wish you all the best from the Ridge.
A dream of a 41 year old man that was born in the wrong century. From MY eyes and my thinking
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
An Elusive Critter
Ahh. The work was all done for the day, supper fixed and settling down with the computer to read a book a friend has started.
A wonderful start to what I feel may come to publish in the future. I am lost back in the 1800 era traveling from Chapmanville, Virginia on my way to Denver, Colorado. My stagecoach is coming to rest in Missouri and then is when it happened!!
Something landed to the right side of the computer just visible by my peripheral vision. Of course my head snapped to that general area. Something was there. Followed shortly by Joey and a cat. All things just came to a halt except Joey getting some gloves on to catch this visitor.
When he brought it to me I have to admit that I was stunned at first. Then stunned gave way to shock I think. We were debating about what this thing was. It is funny because I am usually pretty good about all critters. I think the best way to describe how I was feeling would be to see a U.F.O. and then look at the one you are with and ask if you really just seen what you saw.
What we had IN our house to me was the equivalent of a U.F.O. I had heard of them but NEVER in 40 years seen one. I have spent alot of my life outdoors and this was like finding a relic from the past that my mind could not concieve.
Was it a rat? A bigger than usual mouse? A squirril? Ahh-Ha!!! It WAS a squirrel. A Southern Flying Squirril!!! I had NEVER had the pleasure of seeing one of these other than pictures. If I knew how to put pictures on this thing I would put a neat one from the internet on here. (I need computer 101) If you Google Flying Squirril there are some cute pictures of this VERY interesting creature.
A wonderful start to what I feel may come to publish in the future. I am lost back in the 1800 era traveling from Chapmanville, Virginia on my way to Denver, Colorado. My stagecoach is coming to rest in Missouri and then is when it happened!!
Something landed to the right side of the computer just visible by my peripheral vision. Of course my head snapped to that general area. Something was there. Followed shortly by Joey and a cat. All things just came to a halt except Joey getting some gloves on to catch this visitor.
When he brought it to me I have to admit that I was stunned at first. Then stunned gave way to shock I think. We were debating about what this thing was. It is funny because I am usually pretty good about all critters. I think the best way to describe how I was feeling would be to see a U.F.O. and then look at the one you are with and ask if you really just seen what you saw.
What we had IN our house to me was the equivalent of a U.F.O. I had heard of them but NEVER in 40 years seen one. I have spent alot of my life outdoors and this was like finding a relic from the past that my mind could not concieve.
Was it a rat? A bigger than usual mouse? A squirril? Ahh-Ha!!! It WAS a squirrel. A Southern Flying Squirril!!! I had NEVER had the pleasure of seeing one of these other than pictures. If I knew how to put pictures on this thing I would put a neat one from the internet on here. (I need computer 101) If you Google Flying Squirril there are some cute pictures of this VERY interesting creature.

Elusive Critter Part II

For instance, did you know these little things can glide the length of a football field from a starting point of only 100' high!! That is amazing to me. They ARE nocturnal therefore the big eyes. (that are cute too) Some scientists think that they can use some of their voice compared but NOT equal to a bats echolocation. They don't hear the same as bats though. They steer their glide with their tail. They do go dormant in the winter for several days at a time during bad weather. And another interesting thing is that they are mainly vegetarian but the will eat bird eggs, bugs, and even baby birds if they get hungry enough.
They are very common but isn't it interesting that hardly anyone EVER sees one? All in all I am glad to have met this little wonder of God. Now when I go out in the dark I can feel BIG beady eyes watching me and they probably entertain themselves watching us stumble around visually compromised.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Reminiscence - "Cross Cut Saw
While out (in 18 Degree windy weather) looking for the next tree for firewood, I remembered the little story about a two man crosscut saw that is in a utility trailer here. This saw was an object of much conflict in my grandparents lives. You see the boys use to get in huge arguements and even fights over that saw. A crosscut saw is NEVER to be leaned on to try to get it to cut faster. This was called "riding the saw." When you would lean on the saw it would make whoever was on the other handle work triple hard to get the teeth across the log. The leaner was of the mindset that the victim would never know. Just don't try that trick with someone experienced in this type work. The victim would usually say, "Lighten' up on your end; you're riding the saw." To which the "leaner" would reply, "You're crazy as hell." "There ain't nobody riding the saw." This exchange would continue until one of two if not both things would take place. The victim would walk away cussing with all the might left in their tired body or the victim would proceed to cuss, jump on the "leaner" to whip their sorry ass, or cuss, throw saw, whip ass and then walk away. (Ok, thats more than two things) These choices had many combinations but the result was the same. Someone was mad, someone else is hurt, and the wood ISN't cut!! Now when the wood isn't cut that brings in at least two more characters. The parents or the bosses you are cutting for. A bad day is being had by all involved.
Somewhere at my moms house is a picture of all the boys on my dads side of the family holding that evil saw. And there in the middle, just as if it were decades ago on some fall day, my grandfather is in the middle of his boys posing with that saw. The expressions on all their faces is unmistakeable. They all know too well just how much drama was attached to that steel blade with two well worn wooden handles.
All I can say is I am glad we have chainsaws now. I know if my two sons were using that crosscut saw I would hear, "Lighten up on your end; you're ridin' the saw."
Somewhere at my moms house is a picture of all the boys on my dads side of the family holding that evil saw. And there in the middle, just as if it were decades ago on some fall day, my grandfather is in the middle of his boys posing with that saw. The expressions on all their faces is unmistakeable. They all know too well just how much drama was attached to that steel blade with two well worn wooden handles.
All I can say is I am glad we have chainsaws now. I know if my two sons were using that crosscut saw I would hear, "Lighten up on your end; you're ridin' the saw."
Happy New Year!!!
I really hope this year will be wonderful to you, your family, and friends. I personally hope 2010 will be much better. I suppose the worst part of 2009 was adjusting to the loss of my father in 2008 right around Christmas. I had never felt such loss and even fear as I have this past year. I do know that he is in a much better place and has no more pain and the fact that such an independant person no longer has to depend on others or the very air that he had to have in a tank at the end. So to You DAD. You are missed but never will be forgotten. Thanks for all you did to take care of your family.
Well of course 2010 hasn't started out good as far as the weather goes. We had a snow storm of the likes we haven't seen around here since about 1985. The temperatures have only been out of the high 20s ONE time since 2009 and that was yesterday. It got to a blistering 37 degrees with a little snow kicked in last night. TODAY...... it is back to 15 degrees and appears to be staying that way until next week. We can't winn for losing it seems. Thank goodness for the woodstove. It is alot of work but, the heat just can't be beat. I skipped cutting wood yesterday because they were calling for up to 5-6 inches and digging wood out of the snow is no fun. (Yes, I do need a woodshed) I didn't make any resolutions because I am awful with that kind of stuff. I know what has to be done, I just have to work at it to get it accomplished.
I do plan on having a garden this year if all goes well. I really feel that people need to become more self reliant in their lifestyles. I can't predict the future, but things don't look so great. Any and all ways to save money and learn to take care of thierselves is highly suggested. We will just have to see how it goes.
Well of course 2010 hasn't started out good as far as the weather goes. We had a snow storm of the likes we haven't seen around here since about 1985. The temperatures have only been out of the high 20s ONE time since 2009 and that was yesterday. It got to a blistering 37 degrees with a little snow kicked in last night. TODAY...... it is back to 15 degrees and appears to be staying that way until next week. We can't winn for losing it seems. Thank goodness for the woodstove. It is alot of work but, the heat just can't be beat. I skipped cutting wood yesterday because they were calling for up to 5-6 inches and digging wood out of the snow is no fun. (Yes, I do need a woodshed) I didn't make any resolutions because I am awful with that kind of stuff. I know what has to be done, I just have to work at it to get it accomplished.
I do plan on having a garden this year if all goes well. I really feel that people need to become more self reliant in their lifestyles. I can't predict the future, but things don't look so great. Any and all ways to save money and learn to take care of thierselves is highly suggested. We will just have to see how it goes.
self reliant,
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